Is international Shipping Available?

Yes, we ship our produts internationally. We use Pos Malaysia to deliver all local and international orders. We will provide you with a tracking number upon checkout. You can check your shipping status on Pos Malaysia's website.The estimated delivery time listed above applies to major cities only. Deliveries outside major cities may incur additional days.

Can I exchange or return a product?

All products sold are not exchangable. Returns are only valid if the product received is wrong or damaged. We are not responsible for any missing parcels. Please contact us via email at colorfrey@business.com within 7-days of receivial of product with receipts and proofs to be eligible with the refund.

What payment methods do we accept?

For orders in Malaysia, we accept local bank transfers, credit card and debit card payment.
For international orders, we accept Visa and Master credit cards and Paypal.

Do we have any gift codes?

We will usually give out gift codes during holiday seasons. Do keep an eye on our social medias and subscirbe to our nesletter for the latest updates.